Welcome from the President & CEO
Dear Friends of Marian House:
Since its founding over four decades ago, Marian House has become known as the leading organization offering high-quality rehabilitative services and housing women and families experiencing homelessness. With your support we are able to provide comprehensive services to many women who have suffered from trauma, physical and sexual abuse, substance use disorder, and other challenges that left them unhoused, unemployed and often separated from their children and families.
We are focused on helping women break down the barriers of homelessness, heal from past traumas and move towards a life of independence and wellness. We believe in the transformative power of education in all of its forms and in the power of love and mercy of the lives of those who have been abused and disheartened. Through the empowerment of our women, the Marian House staff work hard to enhance not only their lives but the lives of their families and the communities in which they live and work.
Each woman selected to join the Marian House family brings something unique to our program. No two women are the same and thus, no two journeys are the same. Each woman, however, is given the same gifts when they arrive, the gifts of time and opportunity. The Marian House program is an opportunity for the women to concentrate solely on themselves. It’s a time during which they can invest in themselves and rebuild their lives in a healthy and holistic way. It is a time to overcome past traumas and prepare for a new life.
Those who chose to support Marian House provide these gifts to our women. By investing in our women they give them the resources needed in order to set their short- and long-term goals, to educate themselves, to take control of their addictions and health, and to prepare for a life of employments and, eventually, full independence.
As you visit our website and take time to learn about our program, think about what else you would like to know about us and come for a visit! I invite you to come meet our women and hear their stories. I promise your time spent at Marian House will forever change you, just as it has our women and the so many that support them.
Katie Allston, LCSW-C