Resident Spotlight: Stephine

Marian House was my last hope

Stephine started at Marian House in January 2023. She successfully completed MHI and moved to MHII in March of 2024. Although she was working part-time in accounting, she is taking a pause because of an urgent health matter. Please read her story and keep Stephine in your prayers as she faces surgery and recovery this month.

What was life like before coming to Marian House?
Life was full of inconsistency, doubt and limited understanding of my life and purpose. I was on the verge of giving up. My physical and mental health were deteriorating and affecting every aspect of my life.

What led you to Marian House?
As my physical health took a toll, I was exhausted with my inability to get control of my diabetes. Not only was it
destroying me physically, but it was greatly impacting my mental health. After the death of my father, I found myself
stuck and unable to keep a stable job. I was constantly hurt and angry. I was unable to get along with people—not even my family and friends.

How would you describe Marian House to someone else?
Marian House was my last hope. My last effort to find some help. I met individuals who have been through the program, and they shared how it changed their life. I have also witnessed how they evolved after the program and became better versions of themselves.

What’s been the most helpful to you at Marian House?
The structure of the program was helpful in adjusting and trusting in myself and the outcome. They keep you
accountable and teach you to take control of your life. There are numerous wraparound resources, such as financial
assistance, education and employment assistance and different skills to become a better version of yourself. These
resources are offered both in house and in the community.

What’s something you learned here that you will take with you?
I learned that we are more alike than we are different. I learned to trust myself and believe that I can overcome anything. I learned that I have the ability to adapt and attain anything I set my mind to and to not be afraid to ask for help.

If you could talk to your younger self (5 or 10 years ago), what would you tell them?

I would tell her to work out her issues and stop using work to cope or escape her problems. The death of my father left me debilitated and I became stuck. It wasn’t until a total breakdown that I reached out for help. The younger me, needed to do something radically different, and Marian House was the right call.

When people support Marian House, what are they supporting?
Although it may appear that they are just supporting ladies with shelter and resources, they are also creating changes that have a ripple effect in the community. You are not just helping the ladies; you are also helping their families and their communities to thrive. It is much more than it appears. Please support Marian House.