Sr. Kathleen Feeley, S.S.N.D

When our founding School Sister of Notre Dame (SSND), Sr. Josanna Abromaitis, reached out to Sr. Kathleen (SSND) to volunteer as a night manager for Marian House, she was overjoyed to have such an important role in assisting women in need. During these volunteer hours at Marian House, she could speak more informally with women facing many obstacles to safety and security. Engaging with the women ultimately showed her the importance of not only trust, but how to build trust.

Sr. Kathleen full-heartedly believes that people can change their lives with the support of safe, nonjudgmental people who accept them. Our program is a journey; women address the trauma that they carry and, in the process, learn who they truly are and what they want to accomplish.

Sr. Kathleen vividly recalls one evening at Marian House, when one of the residents came down to the parlor to chat with her. She noticed the woman’s remarkable vocabulary. In subsequent conversations, she got to see more of this woman’s gift. Finally, when relaying a story, she said, “That was a Machiavellian trick.” Sr. Kathleen challenged her. “Do you know who Machiavelli is?” The resident responded,” I know that he wrote The Prince, although I haven’t read it, and that he was a wicked conniver.” Sr. Kathleen said to herself, “Who is this woman?”

Sr. Kathleen went on to learn that the woman had dropped out of school at an early age to take care of her family. In the little time she had to herself, she could be found reading at the local library. Sr. Kathleen was President of the then-College of Notre Dame of Maryland (CNDM) at this time and so she made the Marian House woman an offer: if she could pass the GED/high school equivalency test, Sr. Kathleen would give her a scholarship for college. The Marian House woman went on to major in Philosophy at CNDM, graduated with honors, and received a scholarship to the University of Chicago to continue her studies in Philosophy.

Sr. Kathleen remains an unstoppable force in uplifting women through education, spirituality, writing, and creating strong bonds both locally and overseas. After retiring as President of the College of Notre Dame of Maryland in 1992, she founded Marian House’s partner organization, the Caroline Center, a job-training center for women. She then spent many years in ministry teaching abroad in Africa and Australia. Sr. Kathleen eventually arrived back at the same place she left: Baltimore. In 2015, she was appointed by the School Sisters of Notre Dame to serve on the Marian House Board of Directors.

Now, at the age of 95, Sr. Kathleen will be departing from the Board of Directors but remains a supporter of Marian House, volunteering whenever possible. This year, Sr. Kathleen was a top Ravens Raffle ticket seller, and she is very excited to participate in the Annual 5K race on September 28th.

Sr. Kathleen has been a true blessing to us, and we are grateful for her wisdom and dedication to Marian House!